Morning Tailgate? Bloody Mary Bar

Originally published by Gameday.Style in football season 2011. 

External links and products featured may not still be available. 

Morning Kickoff? This calls for a quick Bloody Mary to fit in to the little speck of time in the morning before heading into the stadium. 

Garden & Gun shares a fantastic way to share Bloody Marys at your party with completely unique and delicious spins on the classic Mary:

How to Build a Bloody Mary Bar


The way I see it, the Bloody Mary is about three things: good vodka, really good garnishes, and a great mix. Herewith, a few tips for creating the perfect Bloody Mary bar.
Let’s address the spirits first. There are some top shelf Southern vodka producers like Tito’s Handmade (Texas) and 13th Colony (Georgia) whose tipples rival any Russian blend.
To up the ante and really impress people, try infusing your vodka. Lemons and limes add a citrus-y kick while fresh jalapeños  READ MORE...


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